Terms & Policies
All work undertaken by Simon Bolton-Gabrielsen and Zenith Pictures is considered an unique independent production or collaboration as appropriate. While all work completed will be to a proficient standard, our products are subjective in nature and may be limited by technical, practical, financial and other constraints as well as concerns of artistic merit - clients recognise the creative nature of the endeavour when entering into agreement with Simon Bolton-Gabrielsen and Zenith Pictures. All commissioned work for new clients will be undertaken on a basis of half payment in advance and half on delivery of the completed project, subject to negotiated additional costs where such costs arise during production. Invoices will be submitted for payment within 30 calendar days where possible - we reserve the right to withold services where timely payment has not been received. All work is entered into on the basis of written agreement, after notification of projected fees for completion. All quotes are a statement of intent, but alterations and extensions to work may incur additional time and cost payable by the client. Simon Bolton-Gabrielsen will communicate to clients any such addition to costs in a timely manner during production. All production will be completed under professional liability insurance on the part of Simon Bolton-Gabrielsen, and where appropriate such insurance on the part of clients and collaborators where they hold liability under law for premises, personnel, equipment etc. - in such circumstances clients will be requested to provide evidence of insurance. All requisite licensing, such as child performance licenses, may be managed by Simon Bolton-Gabrielsen at cost, as will any third party fees and agreements for performers and crew related to commissioned production. In all cases of co-production and professional collaboration, a co-production agreement will be signed by all parties detailing shared ownership of the work in development. We aim to ensure all our work is prepared with open, clear communication with collaborators and clients, to provide the best working experience and outcome for all parties.